Camping and exploring in Northern Arizona

Heading south from Grand Canyon, the first outpost of civilization is Tusayan, complete with a "...Modern Stone-Age Family.... from the Town of Bedrock..."

Fred's place is pretty well preserved actually, and lots of effort went into developing it decades ago.

Further south, the usual signpost has a rack on it a bit larger than usual, a reminder that these guys are BIG.
On our way to the Pine Grove campground, ( about 15 miles outside of Flagstaff), the sign announces we're into the Coconino National Forest. Actually, this terrain could be in southern Ontario. It's just gorgeous.
A storm blows the clouds around on the other side of Upper Lake Mary.
A family of avid campers and friends are making good use of the picnic table when we arrive at our campsite. I can see how Scrabble is a lot of fun when camping and the weather is fine.
A good mix of sunlight and shade from big Pine trees.
It's not the Blue Man Group, but it is a time exposure of our campfire, as I get ready to cook a steak on the BBQ. First we put the wood in the big one, and then transfer smaller coals to the BBQ on a post.
Ten O'clock and it's time for some astrophotography. The campfires across the road light up the trees.
On to Flagstaff and Sedona the next day
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